* exhibit design >
                    < you, the world and i >
                    < un lago de jade verde >
                    < far away from anywhere else >
                    < mayflower >
                    < where have you been so long? >
         * research >
         * design >

       } cv

                                                      _* un lago de jade verde

Exhibit design, production and curation of Un Lago de Jade Verde, the first exhibition organized by the Institute for Postnatural Studies, a platform for research, creation and generation of open thought that operates from the city of Madrid. The exhibition is conceived as a transit, an overflow of the limits and categories that have drawn the imaginary of the natural. At a time of ecological fragility, this project is understood as a collective process to rethink the relationships between humans and non-humans, ecosystems and their environments. This dialogue generates a constellation of materials, thoughts and situated bodies, and includes experience, fiction and artistic work as tools to think about new ways of relating to the planet.
Institute for Postnatural Studies

Institute for Postnatural Studies

CentroCentro Madrid

Matteo Guarnaccia

Paula Caballero / Asier Rua
October 14th to March 13th, 2022


contact me at:                                               navonegaslini@gmail.com                                               +34 650 690 214